
香港首間以培育越野跑和跑步人材為宗旨的慈善機構 (檔案編號: 91/16335),宗旨包括:

- 宣揚「恆健行善」理念
- 教授越野跑行山技巧,大眾認識山野安全,減少意外發生
- 培養青少年對越野運動興趣,為他們建立自信,更盼望將運動成為終身志業
- 提高大眾對恒常運動的意識,減少社會醫療負擔
- 開辦行山越野跑培訓課程予社會各界,將「毅行教室」理念薪火相傳
- 舉行越野慈善跑賽事,受助目標為社會上的弱勢社群,推動社會共融

TTR Trailwalker Teaching Room Charity Foundation

The 1st charity in Hong Kong which aims to nurture runners in trail running and road running (number: 91/16335).

Its objectives include:
- Promote a consistently healthy lifestyle with a charitable cause.
- Demonstrate to the public useful techniques on trails in an effort to prevent accidents.
- Provide opportunities for youths to develop their confidence through trail running and cultivate it as a life-long interest.
- Raise the public's awareness of the importance of exercising regularly, thus reducing public medical expenses.
- Set up different trail-running classes for different groups, spreading the beliefs of Trailwalker Teaching Room.
- Host trail-running charity race to provide support to people in need, advocating social inclusivity.