取消2023香港黃金百里Big K 100英里比賽
19/10/2023茲因未可預見的情況,我們遺憾地宣布推遲2024 100K和100M比賽直至另行通知,而55K和16K比賽則維持不變。因此而帶來的緒多不便,謹此致以誠摯的歉意。
每位2024 100M或100K的參賽者都仍可獲得一件賽事Tee,並全額退還已支費用、購物貨款和捐款,以適用者為準。如欲轉到55K和/或16K賽事,我們也樂意安排。然而,目前不會考慮安排登記順延名額。
每位2024 100M或100K的參加者將會收到正式電郵詳列安排。
Many thanks for your continued support of Golden 100 Hong Kong. Due to unprecedented circumstance, we regretfully announce the postponement of the 100K and 100M races until further notice while the 55K and 16K remain unchanged.
Each participant of 100K or 100M is eligible for a race tee and full refund of race fees and any cost paid, whichever applicable. We would transfer your entry to 55K and or 16K race if you would like to be with us. However. deferral will be not accommodated for this instant.
Details of the above will be emailed to each participant of 100K and 100M.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by this decision, and much appreciated for your understanding and support. The Golden 100 Hong Kong team is committed to bringing you more exciting events soon.