因惡劣天氣而取消的通知 Notice of Cancellation due to Bad Weather
05/10/20232024 Golden 100 香港黃金百里 | 重要公布 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT
19/08/2024取消公布2023香港黃金百里Big K 100英里比賽
由於近期颱風和暴雨導致山泥傾瀉,當局不得不暫時封閉了100英里賽程中的許多路段(詳情請參閱附圖)。 儘管我們嘗試修改比賽路線,但這直接影響了路程距離和攀升高度。因此,我們只能取消本屆比賽。
1. 報名參加今年12月1日舉行的100公里賽,已付的報名費差額將全數退回;
2. 取消報名,已付的報名費可全數退回*。
Cancellation Arrangement | 2023 Golden 100 Hong Kong Big K 100 MILES
Dear Participants,
We regret to inform you that as a result of the landslides occurrences in the recent typhoons and rainstorms, the Authorities have temporarily closed many sections of the 100 MILES race route (please refer to the attached map for details). We have attempted several diversions to modify the race route, however, this would adversely impact on the total distance and elevation gain to an unacceptable level.
Given these circumstances, we have no alternative but to cancel the 100 MILES race. We understand the disappointment this may cause and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.
For all registrants of the 100 MILES race, we are offering two options:
1. Switch to the 100 KM race, in which case the excess of the 100 MILES race fee paid will be refunded; or
2. Cancel your registration for a full refund of the race fee paid*.
*Please however note that your donations, if any, would not be refunded as they have been fully donated to the TTR Trailwalker Teaching Room Charity Foundation.);
Kindly confirm your chosen option and details by no later than 12:00 noon, Friday, 27 October 2023, in a response link to our email arriving soon.
For the 2023 Golden 100 Hong Kong Grand Slam, only two races will be counted, i.e. the 2023 30KM and 2023 100KM races.
We are most grateful for your understanding. We look forward to your continued support and participation, and wish you success in all races!
With sincere thanks,
2023 Golden 100 Hong Kong Big K 100 MILES & 100 KM